James Free
JoinedTopics Started by James Free
Goodbye from James Free
by James Free inwhen i joined jwd i still felt the need for a 'support group' and jwd was full of similar people wanting to share their experience.
now the time has come for me to leave - i am now able to put 35 years of jw living completely out of my head.. .
many factors have helped me, and jwd was an important part of that, and i will always be grateful to simon for setting up this forum.. .
Aid to Bible Understanding, 1971
by poki inhello to all, any of you have the topic over "chronology", from the book "aid to bible understanding" ( perhaps on his original edition of 1971) in the form of a pdf file, or another format?
i m in the corroboration of excerpts of ray franz s book and carls olof johnson s book, when they speak on the real and original text of the "aid" book, and what was his real content, all this, before of the problems of 1975-1980. thanks
most disturbing movie scene you've seen?
by knock knock ini haven't seen this topic on here so i thought i'd.... hmmm, maybe it's because it's just too disturbing?
to me, the scene in saving private ryan - the two soldiers in the small upstairs room fighting hand to hand to the death (by stabbing).
i think that is the most disturbing thing i've seen on screen and there were plenty just in that film alone.
Did You Feel That Jehovah Blessed or Punished You?
by minimus inwere you one of those witnesses that believed anything good that happened was because jehovah god was blessing you and when something bad happened, it was evidence of "no blessings"??
What's the big deal with Jesus' "sacrifice"?
by bluesapphire inwhat was the big deal with that dam tree to begin with!
Current address for the WT?
by carla inwhat is the current address for the wt these days?
brooklyn or patterson?
thanks much.
Do you condemn the Society's no-blood policy and still do not DONATE BLOOD?
by nicolaou init's your decision to make.
it would be as wrong of this community to insist everyone donate blood as it is of the cult to insist otherwise.
Hi there!
by breakingfree ini have been coming to this site to read news and your stories for about a year now, but have never posted due to my mortal fear of somehow being found out... i have family in as most of you do, who are all very sincerely convinced that they are on the path of light.. i have never been happy with the beliefs, mainly the doublespeak on the status of women, the hypocrisy, the dramatisation of the smallest of matters, and the general guilt trip that was my life until i stumbled across some hard evidence that my suspicions about 'gods channel' were well founded.
unfortunately i am now addicted to turning over every piece of information i can find, there seems to be no end to the amount of $#*& below the surface.
i will probably remain in this state for awhile, hungrily devouring all the information that makes me feel validated for my stand against much of the mindless rubbish that has gone around me during my life as a jw.
Possibly best "Sc.Fiction" movie I've ever seen..."Man From Earth" 10/10
by Frank.L ina movie i would like to recommend to all....its not full of blood and gore,or even any action, but it is full of emotion and a "trigger" for the brain.
i almost hate to write anything about it so i dont give anything away...in a few words..imagine if a caveman(cromagnam man) survived 14,000 yrs.no one would know about his existence.
he just happened to be born with the ability not to die.
Closer to perfection
by LtCmd.Lore inthe watchtower uses this concept a lot.
the idea that humans are somehow becoming more and more imperfect as the decades go by.. they use this to justify the fact that ged required incest of adam and eve's children, and noahs children.
because, i quote: "with that information, from where would you say that cain got his wife?